When my oldest child applied to college, I thought I knew everything about what he would experience – after all, I am a college counselor, and I advise hundreds of students a year in one way or another.
But it wasn’t until I went through the process with a child of my own and had a front row seat that I truly understood how each facet of it plays out for students emotionally. One moment that made an impact on me was when he opened his email one night and realized he had a “status change” in his Arizona State University application portal.
My son had enjoyed Scottsdale when he had visited there for a volleyball tournament. Although ASU wasn’t his first choice, it was definitely a viable option for him, especially with the possibility of the university’s renowned Barrett Honors College in mind.

We made it a priority to get my son’s application in early in the admissions cycle
For him, it was a likely school he liked, which was important for him to have. We had made it a priority to get his application in early in the cycle – late August – which was easy for us because the ASU application allowed him to self report his grades and did not require a personal essay. All we had to do was send his official test scores along with his application and wait.
The night in September when he received that email, I was excited. I knew he would be admitted – he more than exceeded all the criteria for acceptance, and ASU’s admissions process is very straightforward. I thought my son understood that and knew it would be good news, too, and I think he did. Still, I will never forget watching him open the portal that night, because his reaction surprised me so much.
When the screen changed and he saw the words congratulating him for being admitted, I watched his shoulders literally drop in relief. “I got in!” he said with a huge smile on his face. “I’m going to college.”
Applying to rolling admissions schools with quick turnaround times can help your teen have an “early win”
Before that night, I think I sometimes forget how much that means to students. To know they are going to college, that they have been accepted, that they have a place, is a very big moment in their lives. Applying to colleges and universities that can serve as “early wins” for them – rolling admissions schools with quick turnaround times – is critical to a happier senior year with less mental and emotional stress.
I encourage all of my students and families to have at least one such application on their list and to complete it as soon as is feasible. The impact it will make on your student’s senior year is priceless. My son ultimately chose to attend elsewhere, but we will all be Sun Devil fans for life thanks to that early win from ASU.
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Here are some great “early win” colleges and universities with rolling admissions processes to consider adding to your application list:
Rolling Admissions Colleges
Embry Riddle Aeronautical University
Iowa State UniversityKeene State University(NH)
Kutztown University (PA)
Plymouth State University (NH)
St. Mary’s College SUNY (multiple campuses)
University of Alabama (multiple campuses)
University of North Florida (Apply in July)
University of Washington Tacoma
West Chester UniversityWest Virginia University
Western Carolina University Wingate University (NC)
Xavier University (OH)
More Great Reading:
Rolling Admissions: Never Underestimate the Power of an ‘Early Win’