The Grown and Flown Stories You Loved Best in 2018

This year was once again a very good year at Grown and Flown. We continued to receive and publish great writing and our readers continued to enjoy and respond to our posts but as always a few posts stood out from the pack.

Top ten posts 2018
Grown and Flown’s most loved stories in 2018 (Shutterstock)

So without further ado, in reverse order, we present the top ten posts of 2018:

10) Here’s Why I Loved Being a Teen in the ’80s 
Nostalgia was one of our most popular topics this year and Katie Bingham Smith captured our hankering for the past perfectly in this, the number ten post on our list.

9) This is the Most Difficult Stage of Motherhood
Readers related to Heather Duckworth’s post about the teen years rather than the toddler years being the most difficult stage of parenting, helping her grab the number nine spot.

8)This New Publix Commercial, “Home For The Holidays,” Will Make College Parents Ugly Cry
When Christine Burke saw the Publix commercial “Home for the Holidays” she knew she had to write about it and boy was she right. If you’re going to read this number eight post, and you should, grab the hankies.

7)To The Woman Who Will Keep My Son’s Heart Someday
The number seven spot goes to relative newcomer, Lara Alspaugh. This open letter to the woman who will one day capture her son’s heart was filled with honesty and love and made us “feel all the feels.”

6) What Your Kids are REALLY Saying: 36 Popular Expressions
In the number six spot is a post that owes its popularity to the fact that it helps us understand what the heck our kids are talking about. (Editor’s note – Helene Wingens is the author of this wonderful post and was too modest to list her own accomplishment in this round up.)

5) Mom, Can We Talk?
The number five-spot belongs to a post by Tracy Hargen who graciously allowed us into her world and with great sensitivity addressed the important subject of teenage depression.

4) Daughter In College: I May Just Need a Little More Time
The number four spot goes to Janene Dutt who thinks she just needs a little more time with her daughter. But, then don’t we all want to stop time and keep our kids young for just a little while longer.

3) Here’s What Parents Need To Know Right Now About Juuling
With the explosion of Juuling among our kids, it’s no wonder that parents were hungry for the information contained in this number three post by Melissa Fenton.

2) Moms of Teenagers, Here is the Open Letter You’ve Been Starving For
In the number two post, another Melissa Fenton hit, Melissa assures moms of teenagers and college kids that she seems them and understands what they are going through.

And…drum roll please…the number one post on the Grown and Flown website in 2018 is:

1) Trying to be “Perfect” is Killing Our Teens and We’re to Blame
Melissa Fenton struck a serious chord with this call to action post that takes all of us to task for demanding too much of our kids and for “killing” our teens with unreasonable demands.

Honorary Mention

Here are two posts that were just edged out of the top ten but that really seemed to resonate with readers and they each deserve an Honorable Mention.
Losing My Marbles One Day At a TimeThis was such a beautiful piece by an author who is new to our site this year, Bonnie Blaylock. It’s all about raising your kids and losing them one day at a time.

Boy Moms: What You Need to Know Before College Drop Off
In this post, Marybeth Bock helps moms of boys figure out what they need to know before they drop their kids off at college.


College Kids Say We Should Do These Things Differently in the New Year

About Helene Wingens

Helene Wingens has always been passionate about painting pictures with words. She graduated from Brandeis University with a degree in psychology and three years later from Boston University School of Law with a Juris Doctor. In a year long clerkship for an appellate judge Helene honed her writing skills by drafting weekly appellate memoranda. She practiced law until she practically perfected it and after taking a brief twenty year hiatus to raise her three children she began writing a personal blog Her essays have been published in: Scary Mommy, Kveller, The Forward, and Grown and Flown where she is Managing Editor. You can visit Helene's website here

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