Growing up in the ‘80s was sweet for many reasons. But I think most of us Gen-Xers can agree that one of the best parts about growing up when we did was how the holidays played out. Especially Thanksgiving.
School got out, and we’d look forward to the days ahead of feasting and partying. So many fun holidays came on the heels of Thanksgiving that this marked the beginning of the family celebrations.
Sure, food tasted better and seemed more special when we were younger, but there was much more to be said for Thanksgiving in the ‘80s. And I’m not just talking about smelling pies cooking (that we didn’t have to make) for days, but yes, so much that.

Why I Loved Thanksgiving in the 80’s
1. The food
Green bean casserole is the best when all the ingredients come out of a can, which is frowned upon these days because we know what’s in all those cans. I mean, I still serve it, but it comes with guilt. Ambrosia, jello molds, and fruit salads made mostly out of canned fruit, and Cool Whip seemed to have taken a backseat or have been demoted to the dessert table.
And what about the crescent rolls from a can? Even if you didn’t like creamed onions or hated how your mother made you taste some of the mashed turnips, seeing or hearing about these dishes sparks the memory of the person who used to make them. And it makes you feel tingly and nostalgic remembering who you were back then.
2. No cellphones
We connected on a different level, and people were more present. Even if we were watching football or the parade in front of the television, we looked at each other more. We got engrossed in cards or a game of our outside.
We talked more. We weren’t busy updating our social media platforms with epic meals or family gatherings. Instead of watching funny cat videos, we walked in the woods to make room for seconds or thirds.
3. No one counted carbs
There wasn’t much of eliminating certain food groups back then. Thanksgiving was a time to indulge, nap, and then indulge again. We were blissfully unaware that gluten expanded our waistline, and Celiac disease wasn’t as prevalent, allowing more people to free their minds and eat what they wanted while staying comfortable. People cared more about stuffing themselves with Nana’s recipes than the latest diet trend.
4. Thanksgiving dinner was a labor of love because we had more time
So many of us have memories of relatives coming over the night before the feast or early in the morning to make the stuffing or prepare the bird. It seems to have been a tradition that has disappeared for so many families because kids’ activities and sports and overall life duties have taken over our time.
5. We didn’t have to do any of the work
Let’s face it. Most of us were kids in the ’80s who only had to show up, eat, and have fun with our cousins and friends while browsing a Sears or Montgomery Ward catalog. We didn’t have to prepare to spend time with certain people mentally; we could just move to a different room.
The menu wasn’t on our chore to take on. And we didn’t have to ensure we timed it so the mashed potatoes were ready when the turkey was done. At most, we’d lend a hand with the cleanup and return to our childish activities. It was magical.
6. Stores were closed, and Black Friday wasn’t all month
There was no rushing from the table to stand in lines to make sure we got the $200-off phone deal. People didn’t schedule the feast around shopping until they dropped. And if you had a job in retail, you were guaranteed a day off to be with family, friends, and food.
7. Remembering our parents and grandparents prepare the feast
Even if we weren’t a fan of some of the things they made, there was more of a sense of slowing down and taking the time to prepare the food.
We could use a little ‘80s Thanksgiving in our lives. Even if you didn’t like the jello molds or watching football, chances are you still miss those days and how you felt around this time of year. Perhaps including some of the old traditions recipes and scaling back on the shopping and cellphone usage could be the recipe for a perfectly balanced Thanksgiving.
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