Here are the texts you don’t want to get from your college freshman.

Texts from College Freshmen
vaping or cigarettes?
obviously both are bad but which is actually worse
random question
is there any way i can double major or is 5 years completely out of the question
ugh mom
[then silence for four days]
yeah im fine
sorry I didn’t text you back
can i drop a class this late in the semester
or is it better to take the F
really DONT need a lecture right now
wait so is there no way to exchange the plane ticket
r u awake
im so stressed like im only halfway done with this 10 page paper thats due tomorrow
what are some examples of the philosophical viewpoint of waiting for godot
left all my clothes in the washing machine since tuesday
they smell disgusting
should i still dry them
ok you have to promise not to freak out
i feel shaky and nauseous
my heart is beating so fast
six cups of coffee is too much right
does car insurance go up after the first accident
what if no one got hurt
how bad is it to drink beer when you have bronchitis
would kombucha help
can i have only money for my birthday present
wait can i have it early
is this a good first sentence
since the beginning of time women have been through alot of inequalities
my roommate took all my clothes that were on the floor and shoved them under my bed
why is he so annoying
its not plagiarism if you paraphrase a blogger right
not sure what you thought structural engineering was
but my childhood obsession with legos has no relationship whatsoever
im thinking i might live in nyc for the summer
internship or something
hopefully paid
mom its me texting from maxs phone
i lost mine
email if you need to get in touch
you never responded to my photo
ingrown toenail or some kind of fungus
im out of clean underwear
and socks
and laundry detergent
dishwasher and laundry pods are pretty much the same right
please say yes
remember when you told me my happiness was more important than good grades
fine you were right
boots would be helpful in boston
can you mail my winter coat too
you know that study abroad program in barcelona im all signed up for
its not official so much as ill be living there with some fraternity brothers and taking a few online classes
still full cultural immersion and everything
i found a sweaty tshirt under my bed
its all stiff
might not be mine
should i throw it away
im worried im going to sleep through chem again
can you start calling me at 5:17 tomorrow morning and keep calling until i answer
im already out of data
and apple storage
and contact lenses
is it ok if i didn’t finish all my antibiotics
like basically half
gave some to my roommate cause he was coughing
now cant find the rest
is it still called a gap year if you take it between freshman and sophomore year
you didnt see my finsta story did you
ok nevermind
its actually fine if you don’t come to parents weekend
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