If I close my eyes, I see you as you emerged from my womb, brow furrowed and wailing.
If I close my eyes, I am still overcome with wonder at the human we created
If I close my eyes, your determined toddler face emerges as you attempted to navigate a vast and intimidating world.

If I close my eyes, I feel your small hand in mine as we descended the ramp to your kindergarten classroom, vividly recalling the emptiness when your fingers unclasped mine.
If I close my eyes, I glimpse your back as you triumphantly pedaled away from me without training wheels.
If I close my eyes, I feel the tug at my heart when you failed and my only option was to love you through the pain.
If I close my eyes, I am enveloped in the contentment of simply watching you deep in slumber.
If I close my eyes, I recall the way your face lit up when you succeeded at a task you once perceived impossible.
If I close my eyes, I am still awed at the way you opened up like a flower to the sun amongst your friends.
If I close my eyes, I recall the strength in a hug and encouraging words when you needed a boost.
If I close my eyes, I am gripped in fear for your future full of big decisions and independence.
If I close my eyes, I see, like a slide show, all the milestones and firsts become lasts as the time comes for you to leave home.
If I close my eyes, I am caught up in your joy as you prepare to face the world head-on, brave and undaunted.
If I close my eyes, perhaps I can stop this tear from falling with the realization that I succeeded at the most important and fulfilling job in the universe.
To The Parents With Kids Who Struggle: They Will Land On Their Feet