Have the tissues at the ready. You’ve been warned. This video will gut you.
The video opens with soft music playing as a backdrop, “Times are changing every day.” And we see a mom imploring her young daughter not to eat off the floor as she carries a younger sibling on her hip. Remember those days when one child sat on your hip as you tried to keep everyone safe and happy?
There will come a day…
When you will carry your kids on your hip for the last time.
Then we see a mom bathing her young daughter and helping her make a bubble beard with the extra bubbles, as they both giggle.
There will come a day…
When you’ll make your last bubble beard…
In the next scene is mom walking into the bathroom with a stack of clean towels as her pre-teen daughter is showering. The girl peeks out from behind the shower curtain, and glowers at mom with a stern “Mom, get out.”
There will come a day…
When the little kids who used to greet you at the door like a hero, barely look up from their devices when you walk in the door.
There will come a day…
When there is no more carrying your babies up to bed when they fall asleep in the car. Remember that moms and dads, as you carried them up to bed and smelled their sleepy, sweaty little heads and your heart overflowed with love. Now, when you drive up in the driveway they have their hands out because, of course, they are going out and they’d love t the car keys.
“Nothing can prepare you for the days.” we are told and it’s the truest thing we’ve ever heard. Nothing prepares you for the passage of time. Nothing prepares you for your tiny ones to become adults. It’s almost unfathomable even though we know it happens every day.
But, that’s when we see that the daughter has had her own baby and we are told,
“Nothing can prepare you for the day when they finally understand how much you love them.”
Have a good cry on the Hallmark folks moms and dads because nothing prepares you…