To the College Senior Worried About Life After College-Don’t 

As the end of the semester is approaching quickly, being a college senior is an exciting time because graduation is coming up! Graduating from college is an amazing accomplishment.  From the long hours studying at the library, trying new foods at the dining hall, living with your friends, late-night adventures, and participating in clubs or activities, attending college will always be an integral part of your life. And hopefully, you enjoyed the last few years of learning and self-development. 

However, many college seniors experience anxiety about graduating and are worried about what post-grad life will be like. Even though college seniors are supposed to be stoked or overjoyed about graduating, many feel worried and ask themselves the following: Will I find a job? Was college really the best four years of my life? Will life just go downhill from here? Will working a nine-to-five job be miserable? The answer is no, post-grad life is not bad at all and can actually be even better than college. Here are some things to remember if you are worried about life after college.

Advice for college seniors who might be worried about life after college. (twenty20 @CassMcD)

Eight things college seniors do NOT need to worry about

1. You will find a job

As a college senior, it can be very discouraging when you see all of your friends getting amazing job offers with great salaries. Oftentimes, you will see people posting all over LinkedIn about their new positions at big companies and feel upset because you may not have found a job yet. Keep in mind that it can be easier to get a job once you already have a degree, so don’t stress!

Continue applying on LinkedIn, Handshake, or company websites. If you don’t have a job lined up, it is okay — use this time after graduating to relax and maybe even travel. It may take a few months after graduation to find a job, but you will find something. 

2. Working a nine-to-five is not miserable

On social media, people often talk about how working a nine-to-five job is terrible and the worst thing ever. However, working a nine-to-five provides so much stability, and after work, there is still enough time in the day to hang out with friends or go to the gym. And, if you are doing a job you enjoy, it won’t even feel like work. 4.The uncertainty and anxiety are temporary 

3. The uncertainty and anxiety are temporary

The uncertainty and anxiety you feel right now will not last forever. And you’re not alone in how you are feeling. Tons of students are worried about what post-grad life will be like. Although getting used to post-grad life may take a couple of months and will be an adjustment, post-grad life is lots of fun! 

4. Life gets easier after college 

After college, you don’t have to worry about homework or tests ever again (unless you go to grad school) which is a huge relief. You won’t have to spend hours studying things about a topic you may not even care about because for basically your entire life, your success has been attributed to a letter grade. Instead, you will be working and making money, which is often more meaningful than getting an A on an exam.  

5. You’ll have money to do fun things

Once you get a job, you will have much more money than you had in college, which is such a relief. It allows you to enjoy buying things with comfort rather than stressing about every penny you spend. This extra comfort will allow you to spend without guilt on things like weekend getaways or activities with friends. (But don’t forget to start contributing to your 401(k) plan right away if your company offers it.)

 6. You have more freedom 

If you are unhappy in college, you are kind of stuck, because transferring can be a big process. However, if you don’t like your job, although applying for jobs can sometimes be a pain, it is usually easier than the process would be to change colleges. You really have the freedom to choose your path and pivot as much as you want. You can even move to a new city if you don’t like the location you are in — you never have to be stuck in one place and can move around or change jobs if you want. 

7. Your identity changes 

You have attended school for at least the past 17 years of your life, which has provided structure and consistency. Being a student has been your identity for practically your entire life. Now, you have a new identity, being a member of the workforce or whatever path you choose. It feels a bit weird going from being a student to being a real adult, but everyone goes through this, and working a job will create a new identity for you. Change is often a good thing and you will continue to grow as a person and learn about yourself as you move into this new identity.  

8. Living at home after college can be fun

Although many students think that living at home after college will be terrible, it can actually be a great option for saving money. It can also be a lot of fun to reconnect with your old high school friends. You can also use this time to explore areas where you might eventually be interested in living, whether locally or another city.

Graduating from college can be anxiety-inducing but remember that life continues to get better. Keep in mind that you are not alone in your feelings about graduating. While it is an exciting experience, it can be very scary. You will get through it and make sure to celebrate this huge accomplishment!

More Great Reading:

12 Things Seniors Should Do Before Graduating

About Madeleine Korn

Madeleine Korn is a recent graduate from the University of California, Santa Barbara. After graduating, she worked in marketing for a cybersecurity company for a year and a half. For the past year, she has been traveling the world while volunteering in hostels. She loves writing and creating videos and really enjoys working for Grown and Flown!

Read more posts by Madeleine

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