12 Things We’ve Never Said at Drop Off Before That We Must Say This Year

Every year, right before college drop-off, we parents fret that we have forgotten to tell our kids the really important stuff.

Well, because 2020 is different in a million ways, here are some things that you need to know for this year and we hope and pray, for this year alone.

Here is what we need to tell our kids THIS YEAR at college drop off.

Kids, before you head out, listen up:

  1. We’ve never been fans of drinking or drugs but it’s especially important to not get stupid this year. Indulging lowers your inhibitions and in this pandemic-age, vigilance is what will keep you safe. It also weakens your immune system which might be the one thing standing between you and a trip to the infirmary.
  2. You know how we told you to prop your dorm door open so that you can meet your dorm mates. Well for this year, close your door. You don’t need to slam it but everyone understands why your door may be closed some of the time. We know it goes against everything we have taught you and it feels bad but smile with your eyes and keep your physical distance. 
  3. Unless you have a tried and true romantic partner, be careful. We am not trying to get involved in your dating life, we are just trying to up your odds of staying healthy.
  4. Last year I bought you Clorox wipes for me, so I could feel like I had done my supermom-bit. This year I bought them for you (by the way they were nearly impossible to find) This year-let’s not leave them sitting around as dust-gathering decor, PLEASE USE THEM. It’s not merely a matter of cleanliness anymore, it’s a matter of safety. Same with the hand soap.
  5. Did we remind you that if you see a healthcare worker, thank them for putting themselves on the front-lines for the rest of us? 
  6. We like to tell you that you will meet your best friends over the next four years – you will grow with them in a way that will make your friendships enduring. We have never done what you are doing, but we are sure of one thing, you will have a deep and abiding bond with the friends who go through this time with you. 
  7. We remind you to have each other’s backs and leave no man/woman behind. Now more than ever – your fates are inextricably intertwined. You are responsible for each other’s health in a new and critically important way. Take that responsibility seriously.
  8. Please vote. Never has it been more true that our democracy depends on you, our young people being engaged in the process.
  9. Eat healthy food and sleep 8 hours a night. More than ever it’s important to keep your body fed and well-rested. Again, your immune system will be stronger if you get the sleep you need so forget about all-nighters. This is simply not the year for that.
  10. We have always reminded you to call mom and dad, but this year PLEASE don’t forget. We worry under normal circumstances, more so this year. Drop us a text or a quick call just to let us know that you’re okay.
  11. Wear a mask even though they are uncomfortable and wearing them sucks.
  12. This year when we drop you off or when we say goodbye and we cry and hold on for a moment longer than we should, please allow it. This year not only are our hearts overflowing with the standard goodbye feelings, we are scared, so so scared. 

We have all been torn between impossible choices. Together we have decided to choose door one and together we are going to follow that road where it leads.

More to Read:

What College Students Want Parents to Know About Drop Off Here is what your student wants you to know about drop-off.

6 Reasons Why Moms Cry When They Leave Their Kids at College Gorgeous writing by Helene Wingens that explains these intense feelings when we say goodbye.

About Helene Wingens

Helene Wingens has always been passionate about painting pictures with words. She graduated from Brandeis University with a degree in psychology and three years later from Boston University School of Law with a Juris Doctor. In a year long clerkship for an appellate judge Helene honed her writing skills by drafting weekly appellate memoranda. She practiced law until she practically perfected it and after taking a brief twenty year hiatus to raise her three children she began writing a personal blog Her essays have been published in: Scary Mommy, Kveller, The Forward, and Grown and Flown where she is Managing Editor. You can visit Helene's website here

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