50 Things to Do Once Your Teen Has Left Home

It often felt like too much. The chaos and noise of a house full of teens left us wishing for a break, for some time alone or with a friend or partner. Now we have that time, the loooooong quiet evenings that are life after the teens have moved out and we live in any empty nest. And in an unexpected twist, the stillness of an almost empty house can leave us wishing for something more to do. 

After you have binged your favorite shows and visited your favorite regular place to eat out, here are 50 things you can do to bring fun, and noise, back into your life.

50 things to bring fun, and noise, back into your life now that you’re in an empty nest

couple jogging
Train for a 5K, 10K or even a Marathon now that you have the time to go for long runs. (Twenty20 @klovestorun)
  1. Jump on the pickleball bandwagon. This game was designed for people like us. You don’t need to be an athlete or even in great shape to start having fun. Take this up with a few friends and it can become a regular social fixture in your life.
  2. Hikes or walks. No equipment, no planning, and studies consistently show us how good this is for our health. 
  3. Take a pottery or a painting class. Get back in touch with your creative side that may have been dormant for years. You will be surprised how fast you can improve with a bit of instruction.
  4. Jump back into music with either a local band or chorus. Music made us so happy earlier in life; it can do so again. This is an uplifting group activity that will leave you feeling joyful and elevated.
  5. Join a local theater group. Can’t act, work on costumes, or set design. Not creative, work on publicity, ticket sales, fundraising, or other jobs. Producing a play is a great team effort and a great way to meet new people.
  6. Get back on your bicycle. If that feels too daunting, get on an e-bike and have a blast. If that is too much, find a stationary bike and take a class. This is both great for your fitness and a ton of fun.
  7. Tour wineries or breweries in your area. Add a meal, a picnic or just a snack and enjoy a different outing.
  8. Explore your city. Maybe there are museums, theaters, shops, restaurants, parks, and other attractions you never had time for. Now you do.
  9. Go camping. Hate dirt? Go glamping. Time in the outdoors rejuvenates us and brings calm and joy into our lives.
  10. Rent a camper and hit the road. RVs are back, and couples are having a blast exploring this way. Van life isn’t just for the young!
  11. Find another couple and make a regular card/game night. Find another couple, or a group of friends and find something you all love to do for a regular game night. It will be something everyone looks forward to all week long.
  12. Join a trivia team at a local bar.
  13. Volunteer in a local organization. Find a community organization that has a place in your heart, like an animal shelter or children’s hospital and share some of your extra time. 
  14. Act as a mentor to someone trying to get established in your field. Help mentor a high school or college student who is trying to go into the field in which you work.
  15. Volunteer at a school.
  16. Learn to be a docent at a museum or a volunteer in a local or national park. Lead tours and show others the wonderful things in your community that you love best.
  17. Train for a 5K. Have you got that? Train for a 10k. Work up to a marathon. Running a great for our bodies and a training goal helps motivate us. Try this with a friend/partner to make it even more fun.
  18.  Start a supper club. Find a group of friends where everyone takes turns cooking for each other once a month. Or try it potluck. Share the cooking and the camaraderie.
  19. Join a book club.
  20. Start a book club.
  21. Go on Meetup and see what is available in your area. Meet a group of people with whom you share a common interest and find new friends.
  22. Take a cooking or baking class.
  23. Get your hands dirty in your garden. Gardening is a wonderful, calming exercise and afterwards you get to enjoy beautiful view.
  24. Plant a kitchen garden. Nothing better than cooking with ingredients and herbs picked fresh from your own garden.
  25. Join a gym. Your heart will thank you.
  26. Volunteer to coach or help coach a kid’s sports team. Remember how much fun that was!
  27. Find a hobby that you can share with others.
  28. Foster dogs. Or volunteer at an animal shelter.
  29. Foster teens. And say goodbye to all that quiet! This is a substantial commitment, but can be very gratifying.
  30. Go bowling. Good old-fashion fun.
  31. Go ax-throwing. It’s surprisingly fun.
  32. Take up dancing. Again, your heart will thank you.
  33. Go back to the movies again. Streaming is great, but there is nothing like the big screen.
  34. Take a community college class. Get out among young people who are not your own!
  35. Take in an exchange student for a semester or a year. You have the room; why not?
  36. Learn a new language. The exchange student can help with this.
  37. Go to concerts.
  38. Finally, get around to all those home improvement projects. It was easy to put some of these off when the kid’s were home, now is the time to catch up.
  39. Get a massage/facial/treatment.
  40. Find free local events like concerts, museum nights, or local lectures.
  41. Look for a local Facebook group that shares activity ideas or has meet-ups. There are groups on ANY topic that interests you, start with something you love.
  42. Start boxing. Again there is your heart thanking you.
  43. Start a new exercise routine. Take up Barre, pilates, yoga, or whatever you haven’t tried yet.
  44. Learn to paint or draw
  45. Start bird watching and join a group.
  46. Learn to play golf or improve your score. A long walk, the great outdoors, a day with friends, all things that are healthy for our minds and bodies.
  47. Get involved in your place of worship or any faith community. Faith communities are a wonderful place to make new friends at any age.
  48. Try canoeing, rafting, rowing, sailing, paddle boarding, or anything that gets you out on the water.
  49. Learn to play online Canasta or Mah Jong
  50. Create a fun goal for yourself. Make a game out of it, like visiting every national park in your state, eating cuisine from a different nationality every week, or trying a new sport every month. Sarah Merker ate scones at historical spots for 10 years and explored her world that way. Create your own goal.

Now is the time for you to lean into your newly quiet household. And there is a big world out there waiting for all the talents you still have to offer. Enjoy.

More Great Reading:

21 Things You’ll Love About The Empty Nest

About Lisa Endlich Heffernan

Lisa (Endlich) Heffernan is the co-founder of Grown and Flown, the #1 site for parents of teens, college students and young adults, reaching millions of parents every month. Lisa is a New York Times bestselling author.
She started the Grown and Flown Parents Facebook Group and is co-author of Grown and Flown: How to Support Your Teen, Stay Close as a Family, and Raise Independent Adults (Flatiron Books) now in paperback.

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