Leora Heckelman

Leora Heckelman is a licensed clinical psychologist who currently serves as Director of Psychology Education & Training and as Director of Psychotherapy Training in Psychiatry at Mount Sinai St. Luke’s and West Hospitals.

She  has small private practices in both Manhattan and West Orange. Leora  studied psychology at Brown and Harvard and later completed a three-year post-doc in Anxiety Disorders at Payne Whitney (Weill Cornell Medical School).  But far and away, she considers her greatest accomplishments to be the three children which she and her husband raised  (two of whom are now happily ‘grown and flown’).  Leora lives in New Jersey with her lawyer-turned-rabbi-husband Aaron, their high-school aged (not yet grown and flown) son, and their two cats Sesame and Poppy who promise never to grow or fly.

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